We’ve Combined Two Technologies
We provide superior disinfection services with the coverage and efficacy of STERAMIST IHP™ and barrier agent Pro shield 5000D
STERAMIST is powered by Binary Ionization Technology (BIT) offers routine disinfection for a wide variety of residential & commercial settings.
Great for frequent use, STERAMIST BIT does not contaminate the environment with any toxic byproducts making it ideal for disinfection in hospitals, educational facilities, municipalities, athletic clubs, senior living facilities, child care centers, multi-unit buildings, and more.
Leaders in Disinfection
Advanced technology developed
by DRAPA and the DOD.
Combats pathogens at the NRA and DNA level.
Binary Ionization Technology
using SteraMist IHP™
No hazards listed on EPA
EPA labeled only as irritant
ORMI certified Organic
Byproduct is oxygen and humidity
Droplet size down to nanometer Covers all areas with no miss
Fast dwell times and aeration .
Kills many pathogens in 10 sec
Sars2 tested killed in 5 sec.
Assess EVS Processes
& Procedures
Evaluate Labor Resources
Ensure Safety Compliance
Customized Standard
Training Tools:
Quick Start Guides
Improving SIR Scores
Web Based Monitoring
Preventative Maintenance Monitoring

Survey Monkey From Scott M
- Collector: Email Invitation 1 (Email)
- Started: Monday, April 15, 2019 11:51:01 AM
- Last Modified: Monday, April 15, 2019 11:52:42 AM
- Time Spent: 00:01:40
- Email: ****[email protected]
- IP Address: **.***.77.90
Page 1
Q1 Were the service technicians courteous? Yes
Q2 Did the service technicians call you to let you know what time they would arrive? Yes
Q3 Did the service technicians arrive on time? Yes
Q4 How satisfied were you with your service? Very satisfied
Q5 How likely are you to refer this service to someone else? Very likely
Q6 Are there any comments or suggestions you would like to share?
Good service and were easy to deal with and get set up